
Routing #272481004

Become a Member
Man on phone | eCommunication


Save time and stay up-to-date on your account with our eCommunication options. Check your notices and statements electronically, as well as set up alerts based on payments or balances on your account.


Sign up for eStatements today and receive your statement even faster. You will receive an email when your statement is ready, then simply login to Online Banking to view your statement. You are also able to print your statements, at no charge with eStatements.

To sign up for eStatements, login to Online Banking and click "My Documents".


An eNotice alerts you of any periodic changes or updates to your account such as a missed payment, overdrawn account or CD renewal. You’ll receive the notice in the It’sMe247 secure Message Center (just click ‘My Messages’). You can also choose to receive an email notifying you that the eNotice has been generated.

Access eNotices by logging in to Online Banking, selecting ‘My Messages’, and clicking on ‘eAlert Subscriptions’.


An eAlert notifies you of account activity by sending you an email or online mailbox message when certain event criteria is met.

Schedule an alert for any of the following:

  • Checking or savings balances that fall below a set threshold
  • Automatic deposits or withdrawals from your account
  • Loan payments coming due

Simply login to Online Banking, select ‘My Messages,’ and click ‘eAlerts Subscriptions.’

If you are wanting to sign up for eAlerts to track your incoming stimulus deposit, subscribe to one of the following options; "Tell me my account balance every day", "Tell me when an ACH deposit or withdrawl comes in", or "Tell me when transactions totaling more than a certain # of transactions post in a day".

Working together as the most trusted resource to help our members' financial lives be simply better.