
Routing #272481004

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Mother and Child on phone call | CU*Talk


CU*Talk can be dialed from any phone. We offer CU*Talk, an automated phone service that allows for you, to perform basic transactions and get information regarding your accounts without having to come into a branch.

To get started call 1(866) 267-4729. The automated service will ask for you to dial your account number, do not include any suffixes. Next, it will ask for your PIN number - if it is your first time using this service, it will be the last 4 digits of the account holders social security number. You will be allowed to create your own PIN after you activate your account.

Use CU*Talk to review balances, verify cleared checks, transfer funds, make loan payments, verify transactions, check interest rates, and change your PIN.

Working together as the most trusted resource to help our members' financial lives be simply better.