
Routing #272481004

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Money Market

Savings yields are now higher than they have been in some time. If you want to keep your funds accessible while earning an above market rate in a safe investment, consider a WMCU Money Market Account.

  • Federally insured funds
  • Access to your funds 24/7
  • Check access option

Money Market Truth in Savings

Money Market Account Details

Minimum Balance: $1.00          Dividend Period: Monthly


Tiered Rate Structure

Tier For Balance Greater Than Rate APY
Tier 0 (Base) $1.00 .20% .20%
Tier 1 $2,500.00 .30% .30%
Tier 2 $5,000.00 .40% .40%

Rate Information

The current Rate and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on these accounts were last declared as shown above. The Current Dividend Rate ad Annual Percentage Yield (APY) may change every dividend period. The Money Market is a tiered rate account. See the Tiered Rate Structure above. Once a tier is met, the Interest Rate and Annual Percentage Yield for that tier will apply to the full balance on your account.


Nature of Dividends

Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings, after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period.


Compounding and Crediting

Dividends will be compounded and credited according to the Dividend Periods shown above. The dividend period begins on the first calendar day of the month and ends on the last calendar day of the month. If you close your account before dividends are paid, you will not receive the accrued dividends.


Minimum Balance Requirements

The minimum balance required to open this account is $1.00. We reserve the right to transfer the funds to savings and close the Money Market if the account balance remains below the minimum for an extended period.


Balance Computation Method

Dividends are calculated by the average daily balance method which applies a periodic rate to the average daily balance in the account for the period. The average daily balance is calculated by adding the balance in the account for each day of the period and dividing that figure by the number of days.


Accrual of Dividends on Non-Cash Deposits

Dividends will begin to accrue on the business day you deposit non-cash items (e.g. checks) to your account.


Transaction Limitations

There are no transaction limitations on this account.

* Rates Accurate As of March 28, 2025

Note: Fees could reduce earnings on the account.

*APY is Annual Percentage Yield.

**As of April 1, 2022, previous Gold Savings accounts were changed to "Money Market" accounts. Funds were not affected from the introduction of the Money Market account.

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