More Information
At West Michigan Credit Union, we believe in keeping fees to a minimum. This list is provided to you for your information.
Important Numbers
We provide important numbers regarding specific products and services to give our members complete control over their accounts and cards. We believe in meeting our members needs where they are - whether that is through full support or just providing additional resources.
Online Privacy Policy
West Michigan Credit Union recognizes the need to prioritize the privacy and security of your personal financial information. We have taken the utmost care in establishing and implementing policies and procedures to protect this information.
Privacy Disclosure
At WMCU, we recognize that privacy and security of personal financial information is a concern to our members. We have taken the utmost care in establishing and implementing policies and procedures to protect this information. This Member Privacy disclosure describes how WMCU collects and uses your personal information and how we maintain the confidentiality and accuracy of such information. This disclosure also describes how you can verify the accuracy of information regarding your relationship with us. This disclosure applies to former WMCU Member as well as existing Members.
Important Links:
Working together as the most trusted resource to help our members' financial lives be simply better.