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Password Reset | West Michigan Credit Union

Resetting Passwords

View our Password Reset Tutorial in PDF form here or continue below.

You only need to reset your password in one location, not both your mobile app and online banking. 

Video Tutorial - password resets on Mobile App

Password Resets on your Phone

Step 1: Open your Mobile App.

Step 2: Login screen should appear. Click "Forgot Password?" Button.

Step 3: Enter your Username, then click "Continue".

Step 4: You must answer all 3 of your security questions you previously set up. Then, click "Continue".

Step 5: Create a new password following the password guidelines:

  • Passwords are case sensitive
  • Must be between 8-256 characters in length
  • Can use both letters and numbers
  • Only the following special characters are allowed: `!@#$%^&*()-_=+{};:',<.>/?
  • Cannot begin or end with a space

Click "Set Password".

You've succesfully reset your password!

Password Resets on your Computer

Step 1:  Go to our website: www.westmichigancu.com

Step 2: Click the "Login" button in the website's menu.

Step 3: Click "Forgot Password" in the login screen.

Step 4:  Enter your Username. Then, click "Continue".

Step 5:  Answer all 3 of your security questions you previously set up. Then, click "Continue".

Step 6:  Type your new password by following the set password requirements:

  • Your password must be at least 8 characters long, and you can use up to 256 characters.
  • Use both alphabetic and numeric characters for a more secure password.
  • Your password is case sensitive.
  • Your Online Banking password is not the PIN used for voice access.

Retype your new password and click "Change My Password".




Click "Back to Sign In" to log in using your username and NEW password.

You've succesfully reset your password!

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