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Support Small Businesses

Support Small Business

How can you support small businesses during the pandemic? Below are 7 ways, and 5 of them are at no cost to you!

1. Supporting Small Businesses:

If you’re able to, continue to support small businesses by ordering online or curb-side.


2. Gift cards:

Purchase gift cards to use later. *Bonus*: send one to a friend or local healthcare worker to cheer them up!


3. Referrals:

Not only is it appreciated that you value their services enough to share with those you love most, but hopefully you can help them generate more business this way!

4. Positive Notes:

Local people behind small businesses could use some positivity. Send them a card or an email reminding them that their community is supporting them!

5. Reviews:

Have a positive experience with a small business? Write a review online. This will encourage others to give their business to them too!

6. Engagement:

Like, comment, and share their posts on social media. This will help them get the attention of even more people in the community.

7. Staying connected with Small Businesses:

Stay tuned in to their social media and sign up for their emails. They are most likely sharing how you can specifically support them through this time!

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